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Leadtek Sales Case Sharing Meeting

Prev Update date: Jun 29,2022 Next

On June 27th, Leadtek Sales Case Sharing Meeting was held in the conference room on time. This meeting is mainly to share with us how to distinguish between fraud, phishing emails. Denise told everyone about her personal experience. How hackers stole her email and tampered with bank details in an attempt to transfer money from orders. And to popularize the characteristics of common phishing emails and how to identify them.

1. The login password is personal privacy. Generally, the link sent by the sender will not ask for the recipient's email login account and password.

2. Pay attention to links and do not enter sensitive information on unencrypted URL, because the information sent by such links can easily be intercepted; Do not click if the URL which is very unfamiliar and in doubt.

3. Apply pressure If the content of the email is a warning or a click-to-fix event, and the time required is very urgent, resist the pressure and be alert to phishing emails.

Finally, everyone also participated in the discussion, how should we usually prevent phishing emails. This conference not only learned how to identify and prevent phishing emails, but also raised the awareness of network security.

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